Capturing Snowflakes


Last winter we were graced 

With three days of storms.

One after the other

After the other.

Each brought snow

But different temperatures

And so different snowflakes.

I spent hours outside

Bent over

Neck crooked

Shoulders curled

My snowflake catcher spread in the snow

Brushing off accumulation

Hands out of mittens 

Red and raw

In order to capture the image

With my macro lens and camera.

Everything wet with melted flakes

One shot out of every twelve in focus

Stiff and cold

And exhilarated.

I felt compelled to stay

To watch

To witness the flakes falling

To do justice to the beauty.

The fear of missing a flake

That fell perfectly for my camera

That avoided the melted puddles and piles

That didn’t collide with others on its path to the ground

That formed symmetrically

That held a clear crystal at its core

Was too much for me

So I remained

Crouched and cold and happy.

If Snowflake Bentley could do it,

So could I, I told myself.

My hero’s shoes are too big to fill

And I don’t pretend to have either his skill or devotion

But I appreciate the company of his presence

His work an inspiration

When I am out there in the snow

Capturing snowflakes

Cold and happy.

Jennifer Sands @jensands