Snowflake Bentley is my hero

        Today I went snowshoeing up at Sunday River. They have beautiful snowshoe trails accessible from the Grand Summit hotel, and I’ve been on them a number of times now. The weather was perfect today- about 34 and light, drifting snow showers. And the snow showers were full of perfect little crystals. After waiting patiently for snowflakes to fall on me where I could see them and photograph them, I realized that the palm part of my glove was black and soft, and the flakes would stick to it if I laid it gently on the snow. Win! I felt like Snowflake Bentley when he had the breakthrough that allowed him to finally capture focused images of his beloved crystals. I used my Ollo clip and got a few good ones, but the hardest thing continues to be my ability to hold perfectly still when getting such a closeup shot. I may need to see about getting a teeny tripod. Research needed.
Enjoy these. Even the broken bits and pieces are spectacular!

Jennifer Sands @jensands